Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Media Purge

I am conducting a personal experiment. I have been consciously eliminating a few specific items from my life. Cell phone and computer. I am committing myself to a 30 day trial. I had unofficially started last week as a test to see what it was like. Complete elimination was not the main focus, the goal was to observe how much time I was actually spending on these devices. Time that I could be spending elsewhere, or doing something more important.
The free time that I can gain back is substantial. Even the few minutes I would spend on my phone here and there really add up to a lot of time.

This week I am implementing phase two of this experiment. No cell phone or computer all day. Exception include only using phone for important work calls. Can check email only once a day. 30-1 hour max time allowed.
This way I can still respond to necessary matters, remain in contact with outside world, and stay informed of current affairs.

The amazing part of this experiment is how much time I will actually gain to do other stuff. I have a pile of books to read, tons of ideas to write about, actually work that will help me in the long run of life.

So far I have really noticed a big change in my perception of how I have been using my time. There have been so many things that I have been wanting to do, but haven't because I never seemed to have the time.

If you were to try this experiment, what would you want to eliminate from your life for 30 day?
Reading newspapers? Watching to much TV? Checking Facebook more than once a day?

The point of the experiment for me is to take a break and focus on some new challenges. The goal is to experience what it is like for 30 days. And if I like it, consider extending the challenge or making it a permanent change in my life..

Wish me luck.

I will continue to blog the results...

Fun Links

  • A great up and coming website, I recommend checking it out.

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