Tuesday, March 22, 2011

MIM Restart

It is time to pick up the slack. The time has come to finish what I started. Follow up and follow through. Time to take care of business. Follow up and finish projects that I have started. Spend more time on long term projects. Really make some progress. Complete projects. Actually accomplish goal. Or at least be taking great steps to successful completion of goals.
Do not stop working until goals are met!
Stop the bullshitting, stop the excuses, stop procrastination, stop waiting for anyone or anything else. Take charge, stay focused and complete the mission. Do not stop until mission complete. Stop wasting time. Do disciplined work. Dedicate myself to finishing what I started. This is not a game. This is my work, my job, my life. I am the only one that is going to do it. I am in charge of my own success.

Continuing the media purge, progress has been slow. I want to spend more time doing new activities.
I have been doing somewhat of a personal time management study. Observing how I spend my time. How much time is wasted on menial tasks and activities? How much time is spent on sleeping? Time wasted sleeping? That is how much time over 8 hours of sleep a night. Anything over 6 hours of sleep a night is wasted in my opinion.
I want to spend time on making more money. Betting my self. Improving my quality of life. Determine what is actually worth my investment of time.
How much more could I do if I woke up earlier? How much farther a head can I get if I spend a few more hour a day working on completing my goals instead of wasting it watching tv?

What is holding me back?
My happiness is determined by my decisions, by my effort and determination, and my ability to stay committed to the success of my goals. If I fail it will be a result of my unwillingness to change.
Focus on what is important to me. What resources do I have that support me? And what is just getting in the way and needs to be let go.
All this effort is for my long term happiness.
I am in charge of my own success, nobody else is...

Check the MIM blog page for more details about this week.

Word Chain Game
This is a cool little game that I made up. It is fun to see where you end up. And I think that it might tell you a little something about your self.

Simply pick a word, write it down, then write down the first word that pops into your head.

long run
big picture
sacrifice for the long term
know the difference
whats wrong
whats right
tremendous challenge
success in the end
what i want

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Master's Degree in Communication

This could be the program for me...

The Master’s Degree in Communication at SUNY enables students with an interest in Communication to achieve a number of professional goals.

First, the program prepares individuals for careers in communication professions within a variety of contexts: political, organizational, interpersonal, intercultural, technology, and health. The program provides opportunities for problem solving and skill development within professional work environments, as well as advanced research experiences guided by faculty mentors.

This is still only one of many choices that I am looking at.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Daily Goals

I decided to start a new blog page for my goals. I call it MIM for short, it stands for the most important meeting.

It was an idea that I started years ago, back in 2007. I would meet with a friend and we would talk about and write down our daily, weekly, monthly and yearly goals. The following week, we would meet again and make new goals as well as follow up on how we did the previous week.
It is a simple exercise that helps me keep tract of what I'm doing and helps me stay focused. It only takes about 30 minutes a week, and is beneficial to not only myself, but whoever I am doing it with. Each person only writes about their own goals, but by doing it with someone, it helps keep you accountable to yourself, and helps you make and complete your goals on time. Brainstorming your goals with a friend helps you think of new ideas, as well as helps you make achievable goals. And if you don't complete your own goals, the next week you have have to justify why not, not only to the other person, but to yourself.

I posted a few of my past MIM from 2007 just to get started. I have found that consistent recording of personal and career goals to be very valuable. Looking back at my past goals is encouraging and helpful to me because it has proven to myself that at least I have been consistent over that past few years. Even though most of my big goals like owning a house or starting a successful business has not come to fruition yet, at least on the timeline that I would have hoped, they are still important goals for me to stick with and complete.

Persistence is the only way that I will accomplish some of these goals, so I must continue to remain diligent and strong. I am the only one that will make my dreams come true.

Here is the link to the MIM page:

Page is still under development. I posted only a few of my past MIM, only the ones that I could find quickly. I may post more previous ones from past years, but the focus here is on the future.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Media Purge

I am conducting a personal experiment. I have been consciously eliminating a few specific items from my life. Cell phone and computer. I am committing myself to a 30 day trial. I had unofficially started last week as a test to see what it was like. Complete elimination was not the main focus, the goal was to observe how much time I was actually spending on these devices. Time that I could be spending elsewhere, or doing something more important.
The free time that I can gain back is substantial. Even the few minutes I would spend on my phone here and there really add up to a lot of time.

This week I am implementing phase two of this experiment. No cell phone or computer all day. Exception include only using phone for important work calls. Can check email only once a day. 30-1 hour max time allowed.
This way I can still respond to necessary matters, remain in contact with outside world, and stay informed of current affairs.

The amazing part of this experiment is how much time I will actually gain to do other stuff. I have a pile of books to read, tons of ideas to write about, actually work that will help me in the long run of life.

So far I have really noticed a big change in my perception of how I have been using my time. There have been so many things that I have been wanting to do, but haven't because I never seemed to have the time.

If you were to try this experiment, what would you want to eliminate from your life for 30 day?
Reading newspapers? Watching to much TV? Checking Facebook more than once a day?

The point of the experiment for me is to take a break and focus on some new challenges. The goal is to experience what it is like for 30 days. And if I like it, consider extending the challenge or making it a permanent change in my life..

Wish me luck.

I will continue to blog the results...

Fun Links

  • A great up and coming website, I recommend checking it out.

Grad School, SUNY

February 28, 2011

Master Degree


Here is a short list of graduate degree programs that I am very interested in. I could see myself mastering any of these programs and doing very well in the world. My most prudent concern is using my life and skills to better the world in someway. Specializing in any of these fields would allow me to produce sometype of valuable knowlegde or service to the world.
This list I compiled from SUNY grad programs listed by Major.

SUNY - State Univerity of New York at
Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, Stony Brook, Cortand, and more...

My undergrad degree is from SUNY Albany, Majoring in Sociology, minoring in Psychology, Philosophy and Social Statistics.

Graduate Academic Program (Actual program titles)
  • Masters in Communication
  • Masters in Mental Health
  • Law School
  • Masters in Sociology
  • Masters in Public Accounting -M.B.A. Oswego
  • Masters in Anthropology
  • Masters in Business Administration
  • Business Administration
  • Law/Business Administration
  • Music/Business Administration
  • Pharmacy/Business Administration
  • Philosophy, Politics/Business Administration
  • Physics/Business Administration
  • Psychology/Business Administration
  • Sociology/Business Administration
  • Spanish/Business Administration
  • Computer Engineering/Business Administration
  • History/Business Administration
  • Masters in Communication, Albany, Buffalo, Brockport
  • Telecommunications
  • Computer Science Business Admin
  • Counseling Psychology
  • Creative Writing
  • Masters in American Studies
  • Masters in Economic
  • Masters in Education and Technology
  • Educational Administration
  • School Counselor
  • Technology Management
  • Chemistry
  • Environmental
  • Urban and Regional Planning
  • Clinical Psychology
  • Cognitive Psychology
  • Consumer Economics, Cortland
  • Political Science
  • Public Admin
  • Masters in Public Policy, Stony Brook
  • Masters in Social Welfare
  • Advanced Public Management Certificate
  • Environmental Decision Making Certificate
  • Masters in General Studies,
  • New Palts (Combination of all of the above)
These are all master degree programs offered at various SUNY locations.
I am willing to relocate for the right degree program.

All these master degree programs all could lead to a few similar future career paths.

-Future Political career as a US Senator or a Congressman.

-Any type of public board or committee member, example:
  • city planning board,
  • city counsel,
  • chamber of commerce,
  • public watchdog group,
  • consumer rights advocate groups,
  • election campaigns,
  • and more...

I am also planning on being part of a city planning board.
City Planning and Urban development are of great interest to me.

Now that I have this list of possible choices, the next step is to narrow it down.
Future post will follow up on this subject.

Always Moving Forward

Original blog post from February 17, 2011

Here are a few things that I have learned over the past few years that I am now actively applying to my life. These are helpful tips that I would encourage everyone to apply to their own life. As I am striving to always be constantly improving my life, I have found these to be a few of the more important keys to success. I plan to write much more extensively about how I will be, and have been, applying these to my own life in future posts.

1) Always be moving forward.
No matter where you are in your life, you can always be moving forward and making progress towards something new and productive. Set new goals and always be doing something to make some progress. Actions are always best, but if you don't know what to do, simply thinking about what to do is a positive form of progress. Sometimes it takes a long time to figure out what to do, let alone how to do it. Moving forward is a direction, not a stationary point in time. Staying positive, brainstorming new ideas, focusing on your personal wants and desires, and taking action are all important steps in always moving forward.

2) Always be doing something new.
Regular routine is a good thing, but you should always be integrating new activities into your daily life. Try something new. Read something new. Learn something new. Doing new things stimulates your brain and thinking possesses in new ways, leading to new ideas and sources of inspiration. This is an important step to always be moving forward.

3) Always be learning something new.
Always be striving for conscious improvement and always be trying to better yourself in some way. Some small improvements everyday will have a compounding effect over time and will lead to tremendous progress and growth in the long run. If you learn something new everyday, after years you will acquired tons of new knowledge. Having vast resources of knowledge is greatly advantageous to almost every aspect of your life, from career to raising children to having conversions with strangers. Learning something new can be as simple as learning a new vocabulary word everyday, or reading a random Wikipedia article. Or it can be something like learning to play or practicing a musical instrument or learning more about a school subject that has always been of interest to you. The amount of information out there is limitless. Find something of interest to you and learn about it. This will greatly enrich your life and is an important step to always be moving forward.

4) Remove can't from vocabulary.
Do not say that you cannot do something because of some obstacle or difficult challenge confronting you. Accept the challenge and figure out a way to conquer it. Facing a difficult challenge head on is not always the best or only solution. Realize that you can do anything that you set your mind and heart too. If it is worth doing, and you stay committed to success, then you will find a way. Research the problem, learn as much about it as you can. Chances are that you are not the first person in the world to have ever experience such a challenge. There is more then enough information online about how to do anything, all you have to do is find it. Remember, there is nothing that you can't do.

5) Failure is not always a bad thing.
Sure everyone wants to win or be successful the first time around. Face it, it does not always happen like that. Sometimes it is your fault, sometimes it has something to do with variables outside your control, or sometimes it might just not have meant to be at that time. Whatever the case, try to look back at the experience and learn something from it. Failure is a valuable learning experience. Examine the situation, learn what you did wrong, learn what to do right the next time around and try again. If your failure had nothing to do with your lack of skills or honest attempt and was caused by external circumstances, learn from the situation and understand what went wrong. Maybe it was poor timing on your part or someone else's fault completely. Whatever you conclude was the problem, understand that it was not a complete failure because you at the very least learned something from the experience. And that is a success in it own right.

If you are always moving forward, you are inevitable bound for success. So always strive to always be moving forward. Good Luck.


February 16, 2011

It has been a very long time since my last blog post.
I have since the last post made tremendous progress.
I am committing myself to three fundamental principles that I will live my life by.


I have learned so much in the past few years. I have so many incredible and
amazing ideas that i have to write about.
I am going to start writing at least something daily. I have alway been a big
fan for keeping a personal journal.
I have filled at least 20 college ruled 80 sheet notebooks with hand written
notes over the past few years with personal thoughts, ideas, personal accounts,
original theories and plans for the future. Not only for myself but for the world.
This is a complication of my 5 years as an undergraduate at SUNY Albany
(majoring in sociology) and 3 years of (2 years active duty) service
in the United States Marine Corps, including one deployment to Afghanistan.
It has taken me a long time to synthesize all these complex thoughts and ideas
about life and the world.
I am starting to come to some solid conclusions. Conclusions that I must share,
some how, some way. Blogging might be that answer.
I am ready to begin to extensively start journaling and blogging some of my results.

Myspace blog is currently just a place holder until I get some solid ideas down
in writing. Then I plan to create multiple websites. There is much more to come.
I honestly believe that I have too much to share to keep it all to myself.
My hope is to help the world, to make an honest and meaningful contribution
to society. I want to make a meaningful contribution to the US Federal Government,
social policies and a positive impact on my local community.
Again, this is just the beginning. Stay tuned for much more to come.

-DW Coon

"My constant goal is to impress myself with my own work and that is
one very hard task to accomplish since, well... I am never satisfied." - Steve Pavline

I have spend the last year on an amazing journey. I am searching for enlightenment. I have made a lot of growth. I am dedicating myself, my life to personal developmental. I still have much progress to make. I still have a lot of growing to do. However I am truly devoted to this effort.
The reason for investing myself in personal growth is because I believe that I might actually have something valuable to offer society. I have a unique skill set that I am consciously developing and evolving everyday.
Here are some of my current goals broken down into what I call MIM (most important meeting). Daily, weekly and monthly goals. MIM is shared with at least someone to hold you accountable to yourself.
Telling someone else that you are going to do something greatly increases your chances of actually completing your own personal goals. Because you told someone else that you are going to do something, you are much more likely to hold your self accountable to what you said you were going to do. So here are a few of my short term goals.

Feb 16, 2011

  • -Journal at least one idea everyday
  • -exercise at least 20 minutes everyday, rain or shine
  • -practice piano
  • -practice Spanish
  • -work towards getting house

  • -start blog
  • -take care of all business
  • taxes, bills, bank, etc...

-build websites
  • saratoga marathon
  • enrichment school
  • d dub coon and p.dot radio cast demo site

  • -make notable progress on all above goals.
  • -work towards sustainable passive income

  • -Own House
  • -publish something valuable
  • -stay on track


Original blog entry from MySpace, posted shortly after Marine Corps Boot Camp.

DW Coon, United States Marine
Current mood:accomplished

June 9, 2008

DW Coon becomes a United States Marine.

I joined the Marine Corps Reserve.

I just finished recruit training at Parris Island South Carolina. It was 3 months of tough training. It was worth it for me in many ways. I learned basic combat skills and understanding of military society, as well as discipline. Becoming a Marine has helped me become a stronger, better person.

I am currently on 10 day liberty before going to MCT (Marine Combat Training), and then I'm off to my MOS (Military Occupational Specialty) School. So I have another almost 3 months of additional training before reporting to my reserve unit. I plan to apply to OCS (Officer Candidate School) within the next few years.

What was it like at boot camp? Excerpt from Wikipedia:

Drill instructors constantly apply stress to teach recruits how to work under pressure. Later, operating effectively under stress becomes pivotal for success in combat. To instill teamwork, discipline and leadership under adversity, drill instructors relentlessly yell at the recruits and force them to do simple tasks over and over again under difficult conditions. Only by passing the rigors of boot camp can one earn the title "United States Marine".

Becoming a Marine is an important part of my goal to help better the world. I am still pursuing a Masters Degree, and I'm still working on the Public Trust Company. Joining the service is going to give me valuable worldly experience that will help me become the leader that I am destined to be. Perhaps a career in Politics is in my future. All this is only possible assuming that I survive…

Fun web links
