Sunday, February 24, 2013

A Conversation about the modern world...

This is an excerp from a converstaion with my best friend covering subjects revelaent to the modern science
me 3:58 PM
baby, I dont know how to say this, but im having a hard time grasping the purpose of reality
i can't help but to continue to learn more about the true nature of reality, but some topics, like the ecomonics systems or the foundation of inequality in society, the more i learn, the more terrifying the nature of reality seems to be, i wish i could go back to blissful ignorance
4:00 PM
?? What r you trying to say exactly?
me 4:06 PM
certain things like science and technology (and of course you make me happy) keep me excited and hopeful for the future, but other things, like the fact that i must accept injustice and unfairness, and i have to accept living in a sick world, and the fact that there really isn't anything i can do about it, i just have to accept it, really breaks my emotional conscious.
i really dont know how to explain, and the only modern day solution seems to Prozac, which clearly doesnt actually fix anything... this solution tremendously disturbs me...
this is just a little of what's on my mind, i wish i could stop thinking about it, and i wish i could just relax and enjoy myself, but im obsessed with learning more i have an overwhelming desire to try to help and fix the problems...but nobody seems to really care, or even understand that such problems exist in the first place....

4:08 PM
Pff wtf. Prozac . I visitef julian yesterday. He has change. He stops codein for another drug . Prozac.
Its really not a good drug.  I can see the side effect and how he behaves by taking prozac
me  4:13 PM
thats just about the only think some people can do... they must be "dumbed down" or "numbed chemically" with prozac, if they have any chance to fitting into an otherwise sick society
i honestly dont believe that that Julian is the problem, its society that is the problem. people like him could be perfectly normal humans, but they succumb to the corruption of society, and then they need this drug to "make them stop thinking so much" i see major disaster in the future of mankind if all continues as is...
oh how i wish sometimes i could just be another one of the happy sheep, blissfully ignorance that im on my way to the slaughter....
4:17 PM
I think that the society is not the only problem. And that its because hes too weak abd dont want to fight and see the real reality that he needs prozac.  Thats not because you are happy and live without prozac that you are a sheep bliss and ignorant A lot of the people you call sheep fight and survive to make their live happy and confortabl. And that doesnt mean that they are stupid
but individual's strengths and weaknesses are most of the time a product of their enviroment, and if that enviroment is toxic to start with, then a lot of people have no hope from the start to prosper and live happy lives, in other words, a lot of people on earth are doomed to failure, through no fault of their own

4:19 PM 
That is people who have to take drugs that are disconnect of the reality.  Because of the effect of the drug
Wtf environment is not toxic. If you feel that thats you who make it toxic! Stop thinking that. Understand that its not toxic. And everybody can have his own place if he wants. And no need to be a sheep gor that!
You seems very narrow minded to think stuff like that.  I need a minute to take the ipad. My cellphone is not nice for conversation on gtalk me: i just dont believe that in 2013, humanity should still be living in the "every man for himself" paradigm. that seems a bit barbaric to me...  Not the humanity but a little part only do that
oh cool  so anyways can we talk about something else, something more pleasent then the doomed future of humanity... which isn't excatly what i believe btw, i am a uber optimist you know, i do have faith in humanity
4:34 PM 
If you have faith in humanity why you always tallk about humanity so badly
 im just talking about how i feel about some of what im learning.  and what i see in the world 
4:38 PM
 Are u taking prozac now?
 me:  4:39 PM
 i understand, that the internet is sometimes a major echo chamber, easy to find whatever you what to hear, because no matter what you believe, the internet has someone else out there that feels the same way, doesnt matter if its right or, im stone cold sober right now, and i dont take prozac, the only drug i really want to take is Ritalin, which i have difficulties getting....
4:40 PM 
I dont understand what you wanne say with internet.    Ok
 echo chamber, repeating back whatever you say or want to find/hear
the truth is out there, littered among tons of false garbage of course
i think it takes a tremendous amount of real intelligence to filter out the truth from the lies
4:43 PM 
Thats wont change your life to know that. You cant know and cant imagine lies
not to mention the purposeful proHAHAgranda ( propaganda) that is out there to deliberately persuade you to believe lies
4:46 PM 
Just pay attetion around you . Its not possible to know the truth everywhere around the world
But everybody know that media lr government lie.   And what?!!!
 me: :)
 i love you....., you are so wise, and i truly value your insight, 
you have a great way to put things into perspective for me...
4:47 PM 
That dont change life. For the major stuff you can do nothing
 me: 4:48 PM
you are absultely right, i need to focus on my life around me, thats all little o'l me can do..
am i a dreamer to think i can make a difference in the world?

4:50 PM 
You just can try to pay attention for ome things thats all. As pesticide, or jean made in china by children
People who are dreamer act around them and do what they can to live better in harmony with what they think, believe and know about the world . They dont try to know all lies around the world. That just not useful
Except to make you sick
me: 4:52 PM
i believe in truth, love and oneness
4:59 PM
You can only contribute to improve world.  Became a president if you want to change world. 
But even a president cant, I believe in the nature, Love and Science.  Oh wherevare u
me: 5:00 PM
me: i wont allow myself to be corrupted, and i believe i understand that corrupts people, and i am staying clear of those influences, i desire to see a world where fairness and justice prevails, where laws are based in secular morality, science, compassion and truth
5:01 PM
 And youre not the only one
merci, that is encouraging.
 5:03 PM
What is encouraging?
me: 5:06 PM
because i cant do it alone. that you remind me that im not the only one
What you think about?! Dont be selfish. Lots of people are not blind and want the same things
like the people that made the documentaries Zeitgeist: Moving Forward and Zeitgeist Addendum

5:12 PM      me: have you ever heard of Corporatocracy?

revised 3/5/2013 posted on dwcoon's blog

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

I see, I am, I have and I will

I see life as challenging and exciting instead of overwhelming. I am interested in personal growth and always improving and learning.  I see my future as an improvement upon my past, rather than a continuation of the same.

I am starting to use my energy more effectively. Just getting by isn’t good enough anymore. I care about doing a good job — perhaps even the best. I think about time management and productivity and getting organized, the things that weren’t so important to me in the past. I am really developing willpower and self-discipline. My consciousness is becoming more organized and disciplined.

I have awaken to the possibilities of living proactively. I've become intelligent, honest and competent, and now I want to put my abilities to good use. I am setting goals and achieving success.
. If something isn’t right about my life, I'm going to define my desired outcome and change it. I am starting to see the big picture of my life more clearly. 

I will transcend the emotional aspects of the lower levels of consciousness and begin to think clearly and rationally. I believe in science and secular morality. I will become capable of using my reasoning abilities and hard earned skills to the fullest extent. I now have the discipline and the proactivity to fully exploit my natural abilities. I've reached the point where I've said, 
“Wow. I can do all this stuff, and I know I must put it to good use. So what’s the best use of my talents?”  I have taken a look around the world and I see what needs changing and improving, and I'm starting to making meaningful contributions. 

   It’s obvious that most people never realize anything like this, nor do they care to in their entire lives.